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Everything posted by Olivia

  1. I think she is reading an alert sent from our Alert System feature. 🎉
  2. Olivia


  3. Awesome! I'll be there. I'm bringing coconut cake 👍 🥥 🍰
  4. You make lemonade 👸
  5. When creating a topic, just select the 'Poll' tab!
  6. Might bake these when I get home later! Thanks for the recipe!
  7. Love me some coconuts 😂
  8. No that's definitely not true. Who told you that 😂
  9. Coconut oil and heart disease You can find claims about a host of health benefits related to coconut oil. They are largely unsupported by scientific study. It's supposed to be good for digestion, boosting the immune system, keeping the brain sharp, and too many other benefits to list. Among the most widely stated health claims concerns coconut oil and heart disease. It is said that coconut oil is good for the heart. That might seem surprising since it contains more than 90% saturated fat, the type that is considered unhealthy. Saturated fat tends to raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol levels correlate with risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular events. (For comparison, butter is closer to 60% saturated fat.) The American Heart Association and other groups have consistently recommended limiting intake of saturated fats. If coconut oil is truly heart-healthy, it would represent a major departure from the "limit saturated fats" advice. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-disease-overview/coconut-oil-heart-healthy-or-just-hype
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