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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Jordan

    It's coconut, beach

    From the album: Coconuts

    © Coconutery LLC

  2. I heard the two can cause a chemical reaction. Is that true?
  3. This is a Topic in a forum inside a Club.
  4. This is where you'll insert your favorite coconut recipe and anything else you want to say 🙂
  5. Alright, Coconuters. Any of you fans of coconut milk? Because we just cococreated a Coconut Milk Club that's open for all to join. Hurry though! We're only accepting 20 members before the club is closed. Join now!
  6. Are you guys wondering where the Coconutery came from? Low-key same. True story: Upon creating the Invision Community College New Member's Course, I wanted to incorporate a theme. For some reason coconuts kept popping in my head (yes my brain is like a 3-year-old running around with a pair of scissors WBK). I told @Charles about it and so we started brainstorming company names. He came up with the Coconutery and I was like... And now you know 🌈
  7. This question might be a no-brainer here on the Coconutery, but just curious... do you like the taste of coconuts? I've talked to so many people who say they like coconut-flavored desserts, but basically anything else that coconuts are incococorporated in they find them gross. I can't relate to such basic thinking. Please vote. Thoughts?
  8. Yes, I am making a second topic about coconut oil because that's how powerful it is. Wondering fam, do you guys use coconut oil to cook with? Or boring olive oil? 🙊
  9. Coconuters, I wrote an article detailing five things you may not know about Coconuts. I won't reveal all here, but one thing I dive into are the major health benefits for your heart. Coco-clicky:
  10. Hey guys, I wrote an article about the monkeys being enslaved in Thailand to pick coconuts. It legit bums me out. I'd love for you to vote on this poll then read it and comment.
  11. I'd be interested to hear someone explain what type of natural product has more uses than coconut oil. I'll wait 🙊
  12. Hey Coconuters, I found this delicious recipe for coconut cake (my fav 🙊). You're going to need these 6 Power ingredients (via Sallys Baking Addition) Cake Flour: Cake flour produces the softest cake. If you don’t usually buy cake flour, make the exception here. It’s sold in the baking aisle with the other flours. You can use leftovers in any of these cake flour recipes or you can use this cake flour substitute. Egg Whites: Egg yolks are wonderful for moisture, but they’re heavy and weigh down cakes. To keep the coconut cake light and fluffy, use only egg whites. We’ll add the moisture back with sour cream. Sour Cream: The moist maker! This cake melts in your mouth. Coconut Extract: I tested this recipe with and without coconut extract. We loved it both ways, but coconut extract is necessary for best coconut flavor. It’s in the baking aisle near the vanilla extract. Canned Coconut Milk: Canned coconut milk is a cooking ingredient, not a beverage. It’s creamier and thicker than regular milk and usually found near the Thai food products. Do not use refrigerated carton coconut milk because the two are very different. Sweetened Shredded Coconut: I recommend using sweetened shredded coconut. It’s moister than unsweetened coconut and that makes a big difference in the cake’s texture. I reduced the added sugar in the cake batter to make up for the sweetness. Sweetened coconut is sometimes sold as long skinny shreds, a size some find off-putting in cake. Therefore, I recommend pulsing them in a food processor so they’re smaller. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
  13. You've made your way to the Coconutery, the world's leading non-existent coconut community. You know by now that coconuts are crazy healthy for you, but what specifically makes them grade-A? Here's a few reminders: They're highly nutritious Unlike many other fruits that are high in carbs, coconuts provide mostly fat (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source). They also contain protein, several important minerals, and small amounts of B vitamins. However, they’re not a significant source of most other vitamins (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source). The minerals in coconut are involved in many functions in your body. Coconuts are especially high in manganese, which is essential for bone health and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol (8Trusted Source). They’re also rich in copper and iron, which help form red blood cells, as well as selenium, an important antioxidant that protects your cells. Benefit your heart Studies have found that people who live on Polynesian islands and frequently eat coconut meat have lower rates of heart disease than those who follow a Western diet (10Trusted Source). However, native Polynesians also eat more fish and less processed foods, so it’s unclear if these lower rates are due to eating coconut or other aspects of their diet (10Trusted Source). Another study in 1,837 Filipino women found that those who ate more coconut oil not only had higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol but also higher levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides (10Trusted Source). Overall, it concluded that coconut oil has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels (10Trusted Source). Contains antioxidants Coconut meat contains phenolic compounds, which are antioxidants that may help protect cells from oxidative damage. The main phenolic compounds identified include (20): gallic acid caffeic acid salicylic acid p-coumaric acid Lab tests on coconut meat have shown that it has antioxidant and free-radical-scavenging activity (20). The polyphenols found in it can prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, making it less likely to form plaques in arteries that can increase the risk of heart disease (4Trusted Source). Some test-tube and animal studies have also shown that antioxidants found in coconut oil may help protect cells from damage and death caused by oxidative stress and chemotherapy (21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source). What's YOUR favorite part about coconuts? Drop us a line in the comments below! We'd love to hear from you. Information provided by Healthline
  14. Retail giants like Costco and Target elected to drop Chaokoh coconut milk from their stores following concerns of monkey slavery. It sounds like something out of a movie, but there's evidence to support claims that humans at the Thai supply company, Theppadungporn Coconut Co. Ltd., are reportedly enslaving monkeys to pick up to a thousand coconuts a day to meet the company's demanding quota. “We believe in the humane treatment of animals and expect those who do business with us to do the same,” Target said in a statement to USA Today. “We take seriously the claims made against Chaokoh, and given they were unable to sufficiently address the concerns raised, we made the decision to remove their product from our assortment in November 2020.” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) weighed in. They encourage more to follow suit. “By dropping Chaokoh, Target is joining thousands of stores that refuse to profit from chained monkeys’ misery,” Tracy Reiman, PETA executive vice president, previously said in a news release. “PETA exposés have confirmed that Thai coconut producers are exploiting monkeys and lying about it, so there’s no excuse for any grocery store to keep Chaokoh on its shelves.” Theppadungporn Coconut Co. Ltd. denies the allegations. They claim to have audited coconut plantations using a third party. In their 14-page document, “Monkey-Free Coconut Due Diligence Assessment,” they claim out of the 64 "randomly selected" farms out of 817, they "did not find the use of monkey for coconut harvesting." "Following the recent news about the use of 'monkey labour' in Thailand’s coconut industry, Chaokoh, one of the world’s leaders in coconut milk production, reassures that we do not engage the use of monkey labour in our coconut plantations," the company continued. At the Coconutery, we love coconuts, but not at the expense of living creatures' free will. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
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