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About This Club

Up your community building game by focusing more on your physical and mental health! The world is in a weird spot right now; let's use this as an opportunity to lean on each other for support, give advice, ask questions and share your health wins in Invision Community's new Health Club.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Part of keeping your mind right is to feed it knowledge. Podcasts are an amazing tool for that. Plus, it's always nice to break away from the world for half-an-hour and listen to something. Do any of you consume podcasts? What's your favorite? Or, what are you listening to right now? I'm looking to check out a few more. One of my faves is The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes. He's a former professional football player. Would love to hear what y'all are listening to. Drop a link in the comments 🙏
  3. I know all of us here work HARD. That's inherently part of being a resilient community leader. Some times, that hard work comes at expense of our sleep. We've all been there – burning the candle at both ends or working til' the wee hours of the night because we're driven to keep the wheels spinning. Thing is, sleep is imperative for our overall quality of life. Wondering, do you feel like you get enough sleep? If not, why? And what can you do to change that? Here are a few things I personally try and (though I some times fail) to make sure I get the best possible sleep: 1.) Keep it cool 😎. Literally. I keep my place pretty cold at night - here's a report (of many) suggesting sleeping in a colder environment will help your overall slumber. 2.) Put the phone away. This one is tough because of how intimately integrated we are into the digital world. I do my best to put my phone away an hour before I crash and put it on 'do not disturb' mode. The blue light and constant drip of information/notifications can be a lot on our brain activity. Putting the phone away ahead of falling asleep gives the brain a chance to chill. 3.) Journal. Another toughy because pretty much every time I think 'meh I'll do it tomorrow,' but I force myself to anyway - even if it's just one minute - to scribble down a few things I'm grateful for or write a little goal down. I always, 100% of the time, am happy I did it afterward. Alright team, drop a line in the comments. Do YOU get enough sleep? Do any of these tips help? Would love to hear from you. And hopefully I didn't put you to sleep 😴 😂
  4. Hey team, appreciate you making your way over to our new Health Club. This Club might be coming out of left field, but I think now more than ever it's important we tread into this territory as a community. Needless to say the world is in a really weird place right now. We thought it'd be a good idea to create a little pocket in our own community for clients to lean on each other. If you want no part of this we totally understand, but I encourage you to please, even if it's 1%, be open minded and keep this link in your back pocket. I know it's a bit intimidating to open up about your level of fitness, nutrition (even if it's basically non-existent right now) and even your mental fitness. These are areas I personally work on and it's helped me become a better community leader. Sure, this Club could be dead on arrival and no one will care, but perhaps it'll brighten someone's day, provide some support or even change lives. Feel free to "Follow" this Club forum and participate. Peace, love and broccoli. ✌️💚 🥦
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